Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm Back!!!

It's been such a long time since I last post anything. I've been very busy and by the time I have a free time, I usually just scrap. I did lots of layouts and finished Kelly's Baby album. She ended up having 3 albums like Nikki. I just finished redecorating my scraproom this week. It took me a full week to paint everything and put everything back in place. I am very happy with the result. It was exactly the vision that I had in my head. This is my DREAM ROOM and it is totally ME. There's still some things to be done and I still have to organize the closets but that has to wait till after our vacation. Once again, I am super busy this week. And since I have been sleeping almost after midnight everyday and waking up early, I feel no desire to exercise at all. But at least my dream room is finished.
About my scrap room, it is a Parisian Theme. My kids love to stay with me while I scrap and on summertime most especially, they sleep here while I scrap late at night. So this bed is a must. Nice also if we have a guest although we don't have too many family sleepovers since we all live close together.

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