Monday, December 29, 2008

Finally Back!

It's been a while since I've posted anything. I have been very busy with the holidays and just living the daily life. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve party at my sister's house and a Christmas Day dinner at my sister in law's. The kids love their presents especially their new Rock band Wii game from their Uncle Carlo. His gift is the winner this year. But I think my husband is the one who loves it the most. Can you see?

I am super excited for the New Year's. We'll be meeting 2009 in Wisconsin Dells. Plus, it'll be my birthday and Lisa Bearnson will be on QVC at midnight for scrapbooking special. Thankfully, I can watch her because the pool closes after the celebration so we have to go back to the room. But the best thing of all is that, Becky Higgins 365 Days Kit will finally be on sale the following day . I just hope and pray it doesn't sell out before I get to it. I'll definitely be on the computer early. Check out her website. It is really a fun and easy kit to document your everyday life. http://www. (click on her blog and she has several posts about this kit).